“Land use” is a term that is used to describe the different purposes land may be used for. This includes both economic and cultural uses of land. Common types of land use include:
Land use is a description of the purpose the land is being put to, not a description of what is currently happening with the land. For example, a plot of land used for forestry may be physically very similar to a neighboring plot of land used for hiking and outdoor recreation, despite having a very dissimilar land use.
“Land use laws”, or “ zoning” refers to the regulations that proscribe certain uses of land in designated zones. In early colonial America, few regulations existed to control the use of land. However, as the "frontier" disappeared, and society shifted from rural to urban, public land regulation became important to local communities wishing to control industry, commerce, and housing within their boundaries.
The first zoning ordinance was passed in New York City in 1916. By the 1930s, most states had adopted zoning laws. In the 1970s, concerns about the environment and historic preservation led to further regulation. Today, land use regulation occurs on the federal, state, and local zoning ordinances. Two major federal laws have been passed in the last half century that limit the use of land significantly. These are the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (embodied today in 16 U.S.C. 461 et seq.) and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
A further type of land use regulation exists through private contracts. These land use covenants are often created by private developers and enforced by private actions. Private actions to enforce land use covenants are typically either:
In these situations, judicial decisions and enforcement of private land-use arrangements can reinforce public regulation, and achieve forms and levels of control that regulatory zoning cannot.
[Last updated in July of 2023 by the Wex Definitions Team]