Common questions about Paid Leave

Paid Leave Oregon is a new program that allows employees in Oregon to take paid time off for some of life’s most important moments.

Who is eligible for Paid Leave Oregon?
Which employers must participate in Paid Leave Oregon?
How is Paid Leave Oregon funded?

Here’s how it works for employers:

Who passed the paid leave law in Oregon?

Businesses, employees, and others have been talking about bringing paid leave to Oregon since at least 2016. The Oregon State Legislature passed it into law in 2019 so more people in Oregon could have the time and support they need to care for themselves and their loved ones when life's important moments happen. We all go through events in life where we need time to care for ourselves, or those we love.

My business has X number of employees. Do I have to participate?
My business only has gig workers. How does Paid Leave Oregon work for my business?
I am a small employer and I’m worried about keeping my business going if one of my employees takes time off. Are there any exceptions?

Nearly all employers, regardless of size, must withhold and pay contributions on behalf of their employees and provide qualified employees with job-protected leave. Small employers may apply for an assistance grant. You must let your employees take leave if they qualify and protect their jobs while they are on leave. If you need help finding another employee, you can visit the WorkSource Oregon website, which helps connect employers and workers in Oregon.

If I’m a small employer (or farmer) in a rural community, how am I going to find employees while mine are on leave?

It can be challenging for many small employers, especially those in rural communities, to find other workers. Our WorkSource centers may be able to help you find another employee when your employee takes paid leave. To learn more about some of the programs and services, visit the WorkSource Oregon website.

What happens if an employer doesn’t pay Paid Leave contributions?

If an employer doesn’t pay contributions when they are due, they may be responsible for paying penalties and interest. Employees can still apply for benefits.

What expenses does the Paid Leave Oregon Trust Fund cover?

Paid Leave may only use the trust fund money to pay benefits, award grants, and cover the Oregon Employment Department’s administrative costs. These costs include paying back the general fund loan that paid for the start-up of Paid Leave.

When and how does the Oregon Employment Department (OED) announce the statewide average weekly wage?

OED announces the statewide average weekly wage each year in June on its website and in its press releases and bulletins. It is effective from July 1 through June 30 of the next year. The statewide average weekly wage is the average weekly wage amount all employees in Oregon earn.

Is there a situation where an employee can be eligible for both Paid Leave Oregon and the state of Washington’s paid leave program?

Depending on their circumstances, it may be possible for employees to qualify for both programs. Oregon and Washington operate different paid leave programs. Employees should check with their employer to find out the programs to which their employer pays contributions. Employees can also contact Paid Leave for more information.

What employees are not covered by Paid Leave Oregon?

Employer contributions questions

What are Paid Leave Oregon contributions?
Must officers of a corporation pay contributions?